
Tuesday 8 November 2011

It is because of a lifetime of good habits....

Continue from the 3rd of November: Why do most successful people always manage to get up after being knocked down & carry on...?

It is because of a lifetime of good habits, beliefs and attitudes. They have been trained to respond positively which makes it easier to duck and dive the curve balls life throws at them. When something occurs which is totally out of their control they are able to get up again quickly due to their positive thought pattern.

Here is quick example:

It is now almost a year since I had my stroke. If someone told me that it is going be so freakin hard I would have rather taken the other way out; if you know what I mean! :( I am tired of always crying and being frustrated because I can’t talk properly, can’t walk properly and my right hand is never going to come right. I have nothing, no job, no savings or income, no house, no car and 3 children and a baby to look after. Sometimes I wish I was dead! :( I am just tired…

Notice how negative that sounds compared to this:

It is now almost a year back when I had my stroke and I have made so much progress! I am happy to be alive! :) To spend time with my 3 beautiful children and my new baby; I have the time to write my book as I always wanted too! I have the energy to live healthy, happy and a productive life and share it with others to do the same. Life IS great! And a little hard work goes a long way... :)

This positive response has a healthy effect on me; body mind and soul. It leaves me with healthy decisions for good habits which in turn help me cope or manage the stress of life pretty well; better that I thought I would! :) All my obstacles or challenges are easier to over come due to a positive thought habit.

Research shows that the average person has over 75% negative thoughts per day. That is 1 positive thought for every 3-4 negative thoughts. No wonder when a person hits rock bottom it seems like there is nothing you can do and this ways depression can last a lifetime ending up controlling your life.

Remember: Staying motivated and positive is the easiest place to start. It is easy to adapt, easy to do but it is also easy to loose. That is why staying positive is a daily task which should be done every single day otherwise it wears off…. easy! Take small steps and remind your self to change the way you think.

You know what, CHANGE – Is a never ending story, some days are harder that others but Never give up! – Life teaches you that; you fall down and you get up but each time just a little stronger and wiser!

Just me talking to you tells me that I am on the right track for a better life.

Here is 2 U from me until next time! J

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