
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

"Massive Imperfect Action" - Who will join me in this challenge?

This challenge is all about changing that one single thing that has been holding you back, in most cases the same thing you have been wanting to change for a very long time.

I'm doing my challenge on Facebook to get the motivation from others. It's not nice doing something by yourself and you don't have anybody to share it with. Or anybody to check up on you to make sure you are still going each and every day... to motivate and inspire you to keep going.

If I'm going to get through this challenge I need your help. And just the same with you... you need my help, you need our help, everybody's help to get through your challenge. Everybody that's watching... but most importantly everybody that is joining.

Believe me, it took a whole lot of guts...

to do this video and share with others my imperfections,... not something we share with others easily. But you know what is worst, me walking down the street and people looking at me all funny. Some even laughing and whispering by themselves. 

What's worst is me not being able to run after my 2 year old when he is in danger or wanting to be playful. We do fun thing, but is not enough. 

Even if I have start this 99 day challenge a 100 times, so be it.

My challenge starts 22 of April 2013. Who will be my partner? Who will join me in this challenge?


I believe in:

1. Massive imperfect action steps daily! - It's about what you do more than what you know, that makes the different. No matter how slow, as long as you don't stop!

2. The right mind set for the challenge - If your mind in full of the right stuff, so is your life. That is one of the post important ways to manage change... otherwise change will manage you!

3. And the right support from us and your accountability partners - Not only will you be informed of all the right steps to take by subscribing, you will also be able to update us with your progress by leaving your comments this page, so go straight to the Facebook page and check it out.

A 123Grow Members area will be available soon - For now you can go here:

Massive Imperfect Action

Step 1 - The End Result - The self-image of success

Step 2 - The Big Why? - Knowing the purpose

Step 3 - Getting your willpower & determination from your past & using it

Step 4 - Visualize each and every step of your success

Step 5 - Keeping your "Eye on the Ball" constantly

Step 6 - Willingness to put in the effort to achieving

Step 7 - Work in harmony with your purpose & having faith in your ability

Step 8 - Goal actions as fun, easy and stress-free

Step 9 - Learning quickly and improving quickly

Step 10 - See delays as small and temporary

Step 11 - Appreciate the inner and outer rewards

Step 12 - Enjoy having high standard and living up to them & feeling proud of your choices you make.

What's your end result?

Step #1 - Create the self-image of success

Creating the self-image of success to what ever it is you need or want to achieve. Seeing your self as a success.

• You have be convinced that you are already successful on the subject you are working on
• You have to belief that you are worthy of the change or success
• Change will then become easier and naturally because your beliefs have changed (this will not happen over night – you have to do this constantly on a daily basis)
• You will also see the change or success ahead of time and you will feel it too

Sit down and spend some quiet time doing this.

Close your eyes for a moment, and just like a movie playing; in your mind create the end result of your success or the change.

Feel it, see it and live it. Be vivid, as real as you can be. You must believe it too. Then write a short story about the end result.

Explain in short detail,
• What you saw
• What you were doing
• How you felt

My Story! :) - My end result!

It's a sunny day here on the beach. I feel sticky & sweaty from having a good run and playing with John, Taylor, Ryan and Preston! Boy can they keep a person fit! :) Looking forward to walking up to Table Mountain tomorrow for the cable car ride... Hope everyone can keep up! :)

What's your end result?...

Remember this:

• Change is a process and is different for everyone
• There is no one-stop solution to fix it all
• Change is always happening and often uncomfortable but also just as exciting as you progress.
• There is no quick way “big bang” or “poof” experience to change.
• It is more like transformation process with stages
• Eliminate anything that activate the old habits
• Change is difficult, that’s why you need to focus and practice the new habits constantly (small steps on a daily basis)

I fell flat on my face today!

Not literally... I mean figuratively!

Moral of the story plan your day properly, have good support (which I have all of you guys - sorry I made you wait) and be focused on the benefits of reaching your goal...

Step #2 - Knowing the purpose – The Big “Why”

Knowing the purpose of your goal or change that you need or want in your life. The big “Why?”

• Have passion for your purpose (“Why” you need that specific change or the specific goal you want to reach)

• These “benefits” must keep you motivated

• Keep your mind focused on “what it will cost you” if you fail to change or achieve your goal

• Stay constantly focused on the reasons for wanting to succeed (your purpose – the Big “Why”)

You have to have passion for the change you so desperately need in you life. Without passion for your purpose (change) you might as well stop right now.

My “Big Why?”

1. For starters it would very good for heart!!! & I so badly want to be able to walk as normal as possible. To be able to run would be a bonus of course but - Never say never, hey! & Not having to be the center of attention because of my disability would be awesome!

2. My second biggest reason for wanting this change it to motivate and give hope to others that they too can change something that has been holding them back. Best of all is being an example and also to my kids, to never give up. If there is something you want bad enough, to go out & get it!

3. Last but not least is for my family, my children. To able to see their faces when I can do the things I use to do with them, or at least with ease. Will make life so much easier for them! And for us as a family!

What it will cost me if I fail: (How ever you want to look at this, it is meant to inspire you as well!)

1. If I fail, I will carry on struggling to walk properly or even comfortably day after day. Never know if I could ever run again. I will carry on being the center on attention because of my disability.

2. If I fail, I will just have to start again!!!... All the effort, all the cost: physically, mentally, emotionally and financially, I will just have to go through again.

3. If I fail, there is the lost hope. Won't be able to do the things I want to do with my children with ease. Never mind the peoples hope too... So best I don't stop :)

Good thing I called the steps to changing successful - "Massive Imperfect Action"

My challenge didn't quite start off on day one!

It only just started today, two days late. Is it really late? Lets look at it this way... (put some perspective)

You are driving a car in the city! You have to change gears every now and then to build momentum. And use your brakes when you want to stop or are going to fast or when you are avoiding danger.

This is where I was, I had to fill up with oil, water, petrol etc, otherwise I'm not going anywhere... yet!

Then I had to start my car... not going anywhere yet because I'm still just idling. Don't get me wrong this is serious I know, just wanted paint a perfect picture so you know where I am and also not to push yourself to hard. When you are ready to change a gear you do that. You go at your own pace...

Day 1 - I prepared my end result! All about creating a self-image of success. I am not saying you don't have start on day one, all I am saying it that it better to be in the right state of mind before you start.

So there I was... Day 2 - Exactly the same thing, working on my state of mind! So really, not much time lost because today...

Day 3 - This morning I woke up with the urge to do something. So I did. And believe me you guys helped a lot with motivating me - Thank you!... I have been receiving a rather good response & have a few people joining the challenge.

The support means a lot to me! Now you know what accountability can do to help a person. When I was in rehab hospital for 3 month, I had to do my exercises in front of other patients and my physio. That kept me going good. But the moment I got home, the reality of the real world with real responsibilities came back...

Although people, family & friends reminded me to do my exercises, no one was watching me. That's what is happening in the world we live. Everybody is busy with life... so I got busy too :)

Back to day 3...

My physio gave me some stretches to do, mainly because if the muscle hasn't been exercising properly for months or years :( ... you have to loosen them. Boy did it feel good to stretch properly. These are stretches that when it hurts you are suppose to stretch a little bit further until it really hurts. (remember to get your exercises from a professional and if you have to check with you doctor too)

This afternoon (we stay in Kensington Jhb - a lot up and down hills) we are walking a block or two, maybe more, but that is all I doing for this week. My stretches in the morning and walking time in the afternoon. This way I can build some healthy momentum and if I ready next week I can change a gear!

Please leave a comment and tell me what you think or share... Want to join, great :),
go to

PLEASE NOTE: Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s), associated members, Facebook and webmaster are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques of the information in this report if you are not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the information contained in this site/page without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and associated members assume no responsibility. - Sorry I to say this!

Perseverance pays off! :)

Although I am sore all over and extremely uncomfortable at the moment I know I have to push through this... thereafter it will get better! 

Its really awesome how many people have joined after just one week, and how many have subscribe to the 99 day challenge (had some issues with email marketing which I'm currently sorting - please bare with me, almost there) - It look like we have to change supplier. Best to subscribe after the 01st of May! Almost there...

Today is one of those day which all I thinking about is you guys. Don't want to disappoint you & also know that because of my challenge I'm motivating others to do the same, whether they share it with us or not.

That's the main reason why I started this. People need to get some hope back, no matter what you are stuggeling with, I'm here and I'm not going any where! :)

 Who will join me in this challenge?

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