
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

#4 - Visualising Each & Every Step Of Your Success

We all to it every day, all day. Visualisation!

We visualise the end results even before it happens. It is sad however, because this why most of us dont get it right... reach a goal successfully. We fail even before we get started... because we see it, live it, smell it even before it happens... and most of the time it ends that way too.

To be successful at something you have to visualise the end result as a success. 

You have to:

  • see it, 
  • feel it 
  • hear it
  • smell it 
  • or even taste it... 
  • live it, like you are already there. 
Each successful step must play off in you mind as if it already took place...

Not only will this keep you in a state of mind for success but it will help you plan each and every step necessary to take, enabling you to see all the obstacles too. Therefore helping you to work towards having solutions available for them too.

Have a realistic goal, something which you can attain. No use setting an unrealistic goal only to loose it along the way. It is important to have discipline and self-respect to help you set limits based on your real needs so you are able to stay focus on attaining your worthwhile goal.

Cool Example:

  • No use my goal is to study for my master’s degree but I am visualising about parting all night with my friends.
  • No use my goal is to loose 30 pounds but I am visualising eating hot fudge Sunday every other day.
  • No use my goal is to start my own business but I am visualising watching my favor TV shows each night
  • No use my goal is to have a happy marriage but I am visualising having an argument with my partner every morning and every night
  • No use my goal is to be able to walk properly one day again but I am visualising dragging my foot all the time

I am sure you get the picture...

Before my stroke I saw myself a great parent, moderate fit and healthy person, good and loyal worker and co-worker but also saw myself as a person who was not worthy of being loved. As a result of that, most of my decisions and actions were based on that.

Two years after my stroke I am confident, have a better self-image of success, I am able to visualise every step, every task related to my goal. I have a strong self-image. Not a conceited one but one of respect for one self and others, that I am worthy of being loved and also loving myself.

Every relationship, personal or business feels much easier and comes naturally. Because I belief that I am meant to be successful I would never do anything against this image I now hold of myself!

Although I have many mentors I thank daily for my smooth, natural transformation (still in progress), there is one in particular I want to mention today - Mike Brescia from Think Right Now!
I know nothing is possible without The Power from Above but He does put people on our paths that can help us. People like you, me, and of course, people like Mike :) Mike has been there, done that and even bought the t-shirt, a few times. And now he is helping hundreds of thousands of people like you and me to make the kind of change necessary in their life.

Cool Fact: 

THE most successful people set limits for themselves because they know without limits they would struggle helplessly to succeed. They know that they wont have any joy if they dont discipline there body, mind & heart.

Cool Tip: 

Work on one goal at the time until achieved before moving on to the next one.

Cool Tools & Resources:

Cool Quote:

People often say that motivation doesnt last. Well, neither does bathing – thats why we recommend it daily. – Zig Ziglar

Lesson#5 – The 3 C’s!
Constantly, consciously concentrating on the benefits of reaching your goal.

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