
Thursday, 14 February 2013

The was not a dry eye in the room - by Mike Brescia

"Hello my friend:
Last week a letter came in from a young UK woman.  She
asked her mother to email us about her remarkable
experiences with Conquering Social Anxiety Now.  The story
was absolutely inspiring.

But even more incredible was her daughter's experience
using Supreme Confidence Now in helping her overcome many
years of living with the deadly disorder, Anorexia Nervosa.
I read both of these stories to a room full of people and
by the end, there were no dry eyes in the room, including

If, up till today, you have doubted that you can use an
accelerated learning program to learn and embed new ways of
thinking, feeling and acting, this should shake that false

Here are both their stories:

Dear Mike,
I bought the Conquering Social Anxiety Now tape
primarily for my mother, who has woken every morning with
a pit of nerves raging in her stomach & I dearly wanted to
see her rid of that.  I have asked her to write something
about her experience since listening to this tape.  It's
pretty wonderful, and I'm filled with joy to see it all

Here is what she wrote:
I wanted to be in touch to let you know how much generally
happier and calmer I have become since listening to the
Conquering Social Anxiety Now tapes.
I have also been listening to Dissolving Anxiety and Panic
in conjunction with this.

It is such a relief to be able to get through a day
without the overlay of anxiety and intermittent butterflies
in the stomach about the next thing you have to do, or the
totality of what needs to be done, or worrying about what
might happen (always worst case scenario).  I am surprised
but I actually find myself feeling genuinely happy, for no
apparent reason.

I am hopeful that I have kicked a lifelong habit of
nervous nail biting, as I have had long nails for some
months now.  This may not sound very significant in itself,
except that it is a habit I have struggled to break using
various methods, none of which has worked, because I now
understand that I was treating a symptom of anxiety, rather
than getting to the root cause of the problem, which your
tapes obviously address so effectively.

A big and specific marker for the success of the
Conquering Social Anxiety Now tapes in my life is the fact
that I have accepted an invitation to go to a cocktail
party this week, where about 60 people are expected, and
where I will know only the hostess and her husband.  When I
think about it, I don't even have butterflies in my
stomach;  on the contrary, I am actually looking forward to
it as a chance to test my new understanding of social
interaction on a larger scale and my place in them.  This is
a huge step forward, as only a month ago I declined an
invitation to a colleague's birthday dinner of about 16, as
'I wouldn't know anybody'.

So, thank you Mike for the work you and your team do to
help so many people live happier lives, however that spells
out for them.  And, in the final analysis, isn't this the
goal of all human endeavor?  My best wishes to the TRN team
for the festive season and a big thank you for improving
the overall quality of my life on a daily basis.
Here's Anna's experience
And Mike, as for me, I've been wanting to email you about
the tape I've been listening to for 3 months now: Supreme
Self-Confidence Now
Because of it, you're changing - and saving - my life.  I
haven't emailed about it because it's

a) difficult to talk about and
b) my progress is happening on a daily basis so I wanted
to 'wait' til something major happened before telling you.

But I guess saving someone's life is pretty major.

For the last 8-9 years, I've been suffering from anorexia.
Given I've only just turned 27, that’s a third of my life
that's been lived in a mental prison.  No-one in my family
has broached it, and I've been guarded and reclusive all
this time.  I never questioned it, never even thought about
it, even though it has been putting me at risk of early-
onset osteoporosis, and I've had chronic amenorrhea
(absence of periods) because I don't have enough
estrogen/body fat in my body.  The latter puts me at risk of
infertility for the rest of my life.

I started listening to your tape 3 months ago primarily
because my self-esteem had copped a real beating during my

Since it finished, I have also been unsuccessful in
applying for funding grants to commence a postdoc research
project on my area (fair trade for third-world producers),
which has further weakened my sense of self-esteem & self-
worth.  It's awfully sobering to research so hard 7 days a
week for 3 1/2 years on something you're passionate about &
have become an expert in, only to have organizations close
the door on your proposals for further study & practical
implementation of your work to benefit less fortunate
people, and to be unemployed.

In short, I've had awful negative thinking & self-
criticism, compounded by these disappointing circumstances.
Mum (who had your Supreme Self-Confidence Now tape)
suggested I listen to it & so I did.

I had some awful dreams at night for about 2 weeks when
I'd been listening to it before bed.  Then after that, I
didn't seem to berate myself, and didn't jump to
conclusions about what others might be thinking of me (in a
critical way).  I started acting confidently.

Then, one day (at around the 3 month mark), I was driving
with my Mum & I said 'Mum, do you think I have an eating
problem & need help?'.

She couldn't express the significance of what I'd just
said, nor could I.

Within the last 10 days, I have contacted 2 eating
disorder foundations for referrals to a dietician &
psychological help, borrowed a number of books on
recovering from anorexia, set up psychotherapy sessions
starting this week & had an appointment with a nutritionist.
The nutritionist wanted to know what 'tape' I was
listening to, because I kept referring to it during my
session with her because I am moving so fast through the
steps I need to take to recover.

This is pretty unusual for anorexics, for whom a very long
recovery period is expected.  I've given her the details of
your website & the tape, and only hope she refers her other
clients to it.

What's more, I have begun - slowly, and not without a fair
bit of self-convincing & encouragement & support from my
Mum - to implement the nutritionist's eating program she
asked me to begin.  It took me 2 days to start it, but I've
started, and know I've just started a new & profound
behavioral pattern that will take me towards health & most
of all, happiness.

Thank you Mike, you're changing my life, and me, every day
with this tape.  It has really upset my family too to see me
so ill & in such denial for so many years.

I've never seen my Mum so happy.  It's like a huge
oppressive weight has lifted from our world.
Perhaps it's hard for me to really get you to understand
what this feels like, but I'm indebted to you because of
this tape, and its implications are huge:

I can save myself from bone replacements & broken bones as
a young woman, I will be able to have children, I can claim
back myself & my LIFE from this debilitating mental disorder.
Thank you, and thank God for you.
A. H.

M.B.:  Read that story to someone out loud and you'll see
why the Kleenex were getting passed around as I read it.
All because of building the core blocks to confidence.
Unrealistic fears and anxiety are complex problems.  But
they can respond to the appropriate approach.

I also want to address Anna's two weeks of bad dreams when
she began listening to Supreme Confidence Now!...
You must understand that the mind likes consistency; it
likes routine; it defends its beliefs by staying the same.

The mind does not like change.  You can see this in small
children desiring to do the same thing over and over.

Watching the same shows on TV repeatedly without tiring of
We are the same as adults.  Just big kids.

This is why self help books fail to produce ANY change in
emotional patterns and behaviors 95% of the time.  Because
change is uncomfortable.

That is why Think Right Now programs are so revolutionary.
They force the desired change.  I know "force" is a nasty
word, but when its something that you want, being forced is
not so nasty.

It's good.

So if you have to, force yourself to get, try and commit
to using the Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs you
need in order to make the rapid changes you desire... even
if you thought you had "no hope" of ever changing.

P.S. 'Conquering Social Anxiety Now!'.
If you feel self-conscious, shy and you think you have
good reasons, you probably don't.  Get rid of those
feelings once and for all.  You CAN feel more at ease
around people IF you change those bad mental pictures and
replace them with good ones.  The happiest people are the
ones who feel most totally at ease around people.  Make that
Get a complimentary program!
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Send a detailed success story/case study about any Think
Right Now! or Instant Inner Power programs, and you can
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up the normal shipping & handling.

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immediately.  Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've
helped me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used,
how/when you used it/them, how long you used it/them, what
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descriptive of the benefits.  If you send a picture, just
attach it to your email.
Send your story to support(at)  and tell
us your choice of audio.  We'll then take care of shipping
it to you."

(c) copyright 2007 Think Right Now Int'l

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