
Saturday, 19 November 2011

Sometimes Bad Things Happen... I know, but you can Still Live!

I pray everyday and thank God for ALL which I am thankful for. Even if I spend a half an hour talking to Him and thanking Him for being there for me and my family :) ....and being my friend, a friend that helps and reminds me that I still have lots to be happy about and thankful for! :) I couldn't get through these difficult and challenging times without Him!

You know that saying: "Ask and you will receive" well you gotta show Him too. It is only you that can show Him; asking and telling is one thing but you have to also show which way you 'want' to go. Its all You!
The asking and showing must coincide. I know it is difficult, I am still a student myself, maybe always will be.

Sometimes I fall off the rail and then I cant show Him what I want, but by remembering that He is there for me even though I fell off the rail picks me up and makes me stronger then before. Sometimes making mistakes is very costly, it would seem learning from other people mistakes is less costly.

Life is a gamble! - Tales you Win, Head you Win - It is about making the right choices that works for you!
"He" puts people in our paths to lean on and to learn from, that can inspire and motivate us! So today I also want to share with you someone very dear to me, who has helped me to stay this positive despite all the challenges.
His name is Mike Brescia - Author of "Today is Your Day to Win!" "Because no matter who you are, where you are from and no matter what has ever happened to you, every day can be your day to win."

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